Sunday, August 10, 2014

Lazy Sunday Links

So from here on out, Sunday will be the day that I post links to some of my favorite web finds of the week. Why Sunday? Because Sunday is the day that (at least for me) I want to just sit around and do nothing, to prepare myself for a week of hard work. Sundays and I have a love/hate relationships. I love them because, well it's part of the weekend and normally I'm not obligated to do anything. However, they are also the day before the dreaded Monday, where reality throws you back into school, classes, and homework, and all that other fun stuff we call responsibility. So to make your Sunday relaxation just a little bit more on the bright side, I give to you five links that I hope will take your mind off tomorrow. (:

#1 - Wisdom actually does provide a great way to waste time. This is a post on 100 bits of wisdom. Of course I didn't read all of them (lol I don't have that much time to waste), but as I scrolled through I found a few funny tips!

#2 - Embarrassing Celebrity Pics

I LOVE funny. And what isn't funnier than celebs making a fool of themselves? Boosted my self esteem quite a bit too. (;

#3 - Instagram Prints

I also love Instagram, and I'm on it almost all the time, either posting pics or liking others'. (Follow me! @laurenn_nicol) But I love the idea of having your Instagram photos being used as decorations! This site does it!

#4 - Rain

If you're like me, I love rainy nights. It helps me sleep to listen to the rain fall on the roof and gather in puddles. For those nights when you're sleep deprived and there's no rain to help you sleep, this website is made just for the sound of rain. Super cool!

#5 - Copycat Blooming Onion

Gimme Some Oven is one of my favorite food blogs. Everything I have made using her recipes has come out awesome and all her pics are so drool-worthy. I saw this post for the blooming onion at Outback and automatically saved it. It's one of my favorite restaurant appetizers and to make it at home would be perfect! Need to make ASAP. (:

Enjoy your lazy (or not so lazy!) Sunday!


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